Friday, August 17, 2007

Can I sleep with you tonight Mom and Dad?

Last night I fell sound asleep peacefully in my bed beside my window. (See picture below)

I was awoken from my slumber at 3:00am by someone banging loudly on my window. Slightly disoriented and peeing myself I crawled out of bed and into Bill and Teeners room to tell them I heard something. (and to see if I could sleep on their floor). Luckily I could, next to the gun. We didn't hear anything else the rest of the night and when I finally got back to sleep I kept having nightmares that my room was haunted. But don't worry readers, this morning when I woke up Bill gave me a choice of three weapons to keep in my room beside my bed. My choice: Sai's. Yes that's right. On my rental list is Electra and luckily I'm a huge TMNT fan from back in the day and Raphael taught me well so I am ready.

I am almost excited for that caper to try to get in again so I can go Electra/Raphael on his butt.


Anonymous said...

Hey! Ahhh the sai! good choice!, cause if the intruder happens to be carrying a SWORD, you'd do well combating them with a weapon designed to stand up against it. However i cannot stress enough the importance of IMMEDIATE and aggressive retaliation in these matters. When dwelling in an urban setting such as this, it is STILL important to keep your street smarts sharp. In the ghetto, many thugs will make repeated stops at specific locations to see whats left unattended or unlocked, the same is true with hippies finding places to squat, only they have a much harder time finding the same location again. Also, and more often than not, the aggressor is unprepared for this type of reaction. And if it was a drunken passer-by, they must learn that your window is NOT to be fucked with. Furthermore, i would recommend being VERY careful of what kind of incense you use on the window sill, much like what colors you wear in some cities, an incense stick could be mistaken for patchouli and might attract unwanted guests. Finally, it wouldnt hurt to line the bottom of your window sill with razor blades. Tack them on the bottom and paint them the same color as the sill.

I hope this helps

Anonymous said...

' i sleep with you?...i had a nightmare..'

