Sunday, August 19, 2007

"Everything is already OK"

I just went back through my old blogs on myspace and found this one. I really like it so I'm posting it here too.

"Everything is already OK" - Stephen Cope

That along with one of my favorite quotes:

" Consider how much more you often suffer from your anger and grief, than from those very things for which you are angry and grieved." - Marcus Antonius

And i sat back and I thought about these two things as I read some of the passages in the book. I had forgotten why I loved doing yoga so much. It wasn't the stretching or the classes or the teaching or the students. It was what the yoga masters were teaching me about how to preceive life and how to put mediation into my daily life and thinking.

I get caught up all the time. I try to fix everything all the time. I try to people please. I get caught up worrying about other people and their motives and their intentions. I get caught in a moment of feelings instead of realizing it's temporary and holding still in my mind until it passes. I forgot that reading and learning about yoga ideas and teachings has/is taught/teaching me some very valuable lessons.

Contentment, peace, understanding, ambition. I forget that I'm usually the road block in my way of everything. Usually everything is already alright and it's my over thinking that makes it not ok. If I just stop, and let it be, and let life be, and "live like I trust my higher power" I realize everything is already ok. ("Hint: The cage is unlocked")

I don't think I conveyed myself completely, but oh well. I'm remembering "it's not all about me". I'm remembering to live in the present and not the future and not the past. And not worry about what's going to happen and not try to make anything happen and just let it happen. I'm remembering to appriciate and embrace imperfections and enjoy working them out. I'm remembering to just "live for today".

sigh, life just keeps getting better, inside and out.

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