Tuesday, August 21, 2007

delayed gratification is a sign of maturity...

yeah not so much! BUT I did FINALLY find that red cardigan sweater I have been searching two years for. Oh it's so splendid and Mr. Rodgersish! I can not wait to wear it! I realized that waiting and searching for two years made this cardigan especially special to me and gave me a little more confidence that I needed in school. Yes those two things CAN relate in my head. I realized that even if I am way behind the game I can still stick to it and pull through and it's going to be so gratifying to me. I am quite the flaky one with commitment, but I really want this and my flakiness is always right in the front of my mind worrying me. So thank you little red cardigan sweater for showing me that sticking to my search for two years CAN pay off!

Also I redecorated my room and I love it! someday I might post pics of it on here. I'd rather you just came and saw it in person though.

Also I went to my school today to get my student ID and realized two things:
1. I am so very very very very happy that I am online and not in the class room!
2. Midgets should really be careful when walking down hallways, they could get ran over! (or tossed!!!!!!!!)
(yes that's an unPC joke, if you don't like it kindly hold in "alt" "and F4" at the same time, thanks.

Yeah random random random..my brain is firing blanks right now....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm hanging out with you more often...ohh the midget sightings!