Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Maybe it's because I've finally lost my mind to studying math and stress from school, maybe it's because I just moved here, maybe it's because the students aren't back yet, or maybe the gypsies have put a spell on me, but either way Bloomington reminds me so much of Spectre from Big Fish.

The town is set up so that it is more convenient to ride your bike, walk, or take the bus than it is to have your own car. I love that! Especially since I dont have a my car anymore. I know most cities are set up kind of like that BUT this is a HUGE small town. Most things on the other side of town are too far to walk to. It's by no means small, BUT regularly I'll be biking or walking down the road and when I get to a stop light someone in the car in front of me will be yelling a convo to someone on the sidewalk. yesterday I overheard a convo that went like this:
man in truck: "Well we really appreciate you coming out!"
man on bench: "Yeah it was the first time I had seen your band play, it was really good!"
man in truck: "Thanks!! Hopefully we'll see you again!" *light turns green and they pull away*

There are bike lanes on most streets and that is so fun. I was too afraid to use them when I lived in Florida, they seem like a death trap. But here the cars are looking out for the bikers.

Teener and I went on a ride last night and it seems that a lot of places we go have shoes slung over the wires or in a tree on campus. No part of town is slummy or shady that I have encountered, it's just weird. I suppose it's because of the Frats (yes, I said Frat) and Sororities. ugh. Not looking forward to that crowd but I guess during rush they throw shoes up.

I started work at this ma and pa store downtown in the square called "Greetings". We sell tshirts and cards and Tibetan/Buddhist/Krishna items. I really like it so far, it's a very chill work environment.

I finally got signed up for classes at school too. I am taking 16 credit hours and they are all online. So now I can work whenever. Which is awesome. I have taken college classes online before and I did well in them, I think I prefer online to face-to-face.

We are still watching Scrubs everynight. I think we are in season four now. No many how many times I see it I never get sick of it!

and wouldn't it figure, I quit being a vegetarian last November and I move into a town where being a vegan is more normal and convenient than anything else. haha oh sweet irony.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

vegans, HA, thats gotta be annoying! yeah i cant wait to come back out and get in some fights